Dex: 10 Str: 9 Body: 9
Int: 5 Will: 7 Mind: 9
Infl: 9 Aura: 8 Spirit: 9
Initiative: 26 Hero Points: 60
Dimension Travel: 15
Invulnerability: 12
Animal Handling: 8
Weaponry: 10
Limitation: power Restriction: Dimension Travel can only be used to remove the souls of the dead and transport them to Valhalla (Travel Value: 8.) Treat this as the Banishment use of that Power.
Advantages: Connections: Axis Amerika (High), Nazi Germany (High), Valhalla (High); Lightning Reflexes; Pet (Stormwind)
Alter Ego: Unknown
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Axis Operative
Wealth: 0
Lance [Body: 13, EV: 6, Energy Blast: 18] Limitation: Energy Blast can only be used once every five phases and is automatically considered Killing Combat when used in this fashion.
Source: World at War Sourcebook, pages 73-74
affiliation(s): Axis Amerika
Ed's Notes: The Nazi's answer to Wonder Woman... sort of. Instead of an Amazon, she's a Valkyrie. (Also, who COLORED that picture?! Because they didn't do a very good job of it!)
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