Die Grosshon Eule
The Great Horned Owl
Dex: 8 Str: 4 Body: 5
Int: 7 Will: 7 Mind: 7
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 25 Hero Points: 35
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 8*
Gadgetry: 7*
Martial Artist: 8*
Thief: 8*
Weaponry: 6*
Advantages: Connections: Axis Amerika (High); Lightning Reflexes; Sidekick (Fledermaus)
Drawbacks: Secret Identity
Alter Ego: Unknown
Motivation: Power Lust
Occupation: Axis Operative
Wealth: 5
Boomerang [Str: 6, Body: 4, Gliding: 2] Note: Is attached to a swing line that is 4 AP's long.
Flash Pellets (x3) [Body: 1, Flash: 7]
Smoke Pellets (x5) [Body: 1, Fog: 9]
Stun Pellets (x5) [Body: 1, EV: 8]
6 AP C Omni-Gadget
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 73
affiliation(s): Axis Amerika
Ed's Notes: The Nazi's answer to Batman. And, yeeeeeah... He's a pale imitation at best.
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