Blue Beelte

Blue Beetle
Dex:   8   Str:   4   Body:    5
Int:   7   Will:  5   Mind:    5
Infl:  6   Aura:  5   Spirit:  5
Initiative: 23  Hero Points:  65

Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 8*
Charisma: 6*
Detective: 7*
Gadgetry: 9
Martial Artist: 6
Scientist: 7*
Thief: 8*
Vehicles: 8*
Weaponry: 8*

Advantages: Connection: Justice League International (High), S.T.A.R. Labs (High); Genius; Intensive Training

Drawbacks: Minor Irrational Attraction to attractive women; Secret Identity

Alter Ego: Ted Kord
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Repo Man
Wealth: 3

BB Gun [EV: 6, Flash: 6, Super Breath: 6, Body: 5, R#: 2]

REMOTE CONTROL [Body: 3] Allows operation of THE BUG from up to 14 AP's away

THE BUG [Dex: 5, Str: 10, Body: 10, Int: 10, Will, 3, Claws: 8, Directional Hearing: 10, Extended Hearing: 6, Extra Limb (x2) : 10, Flight: 11, Force Shield: 5, Full Vision: 6, Heat Vision: 9, Lightning: 10, Magnetic Control: 9, Radar Sense: 12, Recall: 20, Sealed Systems: 15, Solar Sustenance: 20, Super Hearing: 12, Telescopic Vision: 5, Thief (Stealth): 8, Swimming: 6, Ultra Vision: 10] Lightning is touch only (on the hull.) Magnetic Control CAN apply to the hull.

Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
also see: 2nd Edition, Booster Gold
foes: Madman

Ed's Notes:  This is the Silvery/Post Crisis version of BB, prior to the New 52. The Acrobatic Guy with the Cool Ship and the Gadgetey Gun, NOT one of the one(s) with the magic scarab stone. 


  1. wow,this is so cool

  2. Oh good lord, this is AMAZING. I’m so glad someone aside from me is still so interested in the Mayfair rules system, lol! Truly fantastic. You mentioned looking to start a group to play - do you have a separate place to post for people who are interested?
