Dex: 6 Str: 3 Body: 5
Int: 9 Will: 5 Mind: 6
Infl: 8 Aura: 14 Spirit: 13
Initiative: 23 Hero Points: 75
Powers: *Mystic Link
Air Control: 10*
Earth Control: 10*
Flame Control: 10*
Flame Project: 10*
Ice Control: 10*
Plant Control: 10*
Sorcery: 16
Water Control: 10*
Weather Control: 10*
Occultist: 9
Limitations: Must speak all of her spells aloud and backwards. She cannot use any of her Power if she is unable to fulfill this condition.
Advantages: Connections: Justice League of America (High), Earth's Mystical Community (High), John Constantine (Low); Magical Background
Alter Ego: Zatanna Zatara
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Stage Magician, Adventurer
Wealth: 5
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition; 2nd Edition Background Roster Book, page 39, Justice League Sourcebook, Pages 25-26
Also see: Zatara
affiliation(s): Justice League of America
Ed's Notes: Why do so many people keep saying that DC Heroes under-powers their Sorcerer characters? Take Zatanna... In a given round, she could use 10 AP's Earth Control to throw up a defensive wall, 12 AP's of Sorcery for Dispersal, taking NO Spiritual damage, and then attack with (for example) Air Control. Grated she only has an AV/EV of 10/10 (which is still not that bad) but her OV/RV would be 18/27! I think she'd win THAT war of attrition!
2nd Edition sources list her Wealth as 4, her Spirit as 11 and the B/R Book omits her JLA Connection (High). They also mention a brief time in which she lost her Sorcery Power but gained it back.
BTW... How does she NOT have a Connection (High) to Zatara the Magician?!
First Appearance: Hawkman #4 (November, 1964) |
She should have the Thief skill (as least Escape Artist and Slight of Hand/Pickpocket). She doesn't have the connection with Zatara b/c he is deceased. That doesn't stop him from showing up occasionally though.
ReplyDeleteIn my humble opinion, she also needs Attractive :)
ReplyDeleteShouldn't she also need the drawback of "Public Identity"? Isn't she well known as being a stage magician as well.