Golden Age Batman

Dex:  10   Str:   5   Body:    6
Int:  11   Will: 12   Mind:   11
Infl:  9   Aura:  8   Spirit:  9
Initiative: 34  Hero Points:  80

Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 10*
Artist (Actor): 8
Charisma: 10
Detective: 11*
Gadgetry: 11*
Martial Artist: 10*
Military Science: 11*
Scientist: 11*
Thief: 10*
Vehicles: 10*
Weaponry: 10*

Advantages: Area Knowledge (Gotham City); Buddy (Alfred Beagle); Connections: Gotham City Police Dep[artment (High), Street (High); Connoisseur; Expansive Headquarters (Batcave); Genius; Intensive Training; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye; Sidekick (Robin); Unlimited Resources

Drawbacks: Mistrust (Before Batman #7); Secret Identity;

Alter Ego: Bruce Wayne
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Playboy
Wealth: 18


Batarang [Body: 6, Gliding: 2]

Rope [Str: 7, Body: 7] Rope is 4 AP's long

Radio Tranceiver [Body: 1, Telepathy: 15] Limitation: Telepathy represents radio's range 

Smoke Capsules (x4) [Body: 1, Fog: 12]

Knockout Gas Capsules [Body: 1, EV: 8, Fog: 12]

6 AP C Omni-Gadget

BATMOBILE [Str: 7, Body: 8, Running: 7, R#: 2]

BATPLANE [Str: 5, Body: 7, EV: 8, Flight: 9, R#: 2]

BATGYRO [Str: 7, Body: 8, Flight: 8, R#: 2]

Source: World at War Sourcebook, pages 124-125

Ed's Notes: This is Golden Age (really SILVER age) Batman of the camp comics of the 1940's through to the 1960's.  Much like the Golden Age Robin, he can have no connection to a campaign that takes place in the modern era, but I think these guys are fun all the same.

First Appearance: Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939)

Batman Golden Age Batman Golden Age

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