Dex: 9 Str: 12 Body: 7
Int: 6 Will: 5 Mind: 5
Infl: 5 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 24 Hero Points: 65
Flash: 10
Flight: 9
Force Field: 12
Illusion: 6
Mind Probe: 10
Water Freedom: 7
Artist (Photographer): 3
Charisma: 6
Martial Artist: 8
Vehicles: 6
Weaponry: 7
Bonuses: Miscellaneous: Force Field is usable on other at a Range of up to 5 AP's
Limitations: Miscellaneous: Mind Probe is only usable on a willing subject to pull forth repressed memories; Miscellaneous: Illusion is only usable to represent memories pull forth via Mind Probe.
Advantages: Connection: New Titans (High), Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (History, Mythology)
Drawbacks: Married
Alter Ego: Donna Troy
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Photograoher
Wealth: 5
ARMORED TUNIC [Body: 11, Flash: 6]
Source: Who's Who, 3rd Edition
Also see: Wonder Girl, Year One, Second Edition
Rouges Gallery
Ed's Notes: House rules question: Shouldn't she have...
Advantage: Connection: Wonder Woman (High)...?
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