
Int: 5 Will: 4 Mind: 5
Infl: 5 Aura: 3 Spirit: 3
Initiative: 21 Hero Points: 45
Gliding: 9
Jumping: 6
Charisma: 5
Martial Artist: 8
Weaponry: 7
Advantages: Attractive; Connection: Teen Titans (High), Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (History, Mythology)
Drawbacks: Age (Young); Secret Identity; Miscellaneous: Has implanted memories of a false past
Alter Ego: Donna Troy
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Student
Wealth: 3
BRACELETS [Body: 10]
Lasso [Body: 11] 2 AP's long
Source: New Titans Sourcebook, pages 48
Also see: Troia, Wonder Girl
Rouges Gallery
Ed's Notes: House rules question: Shouldn't she have...
Advantage: Connection: Wonder Woman (High)...?
Also, does anyone remember the made-for-TV Wonder Woman movie from the late-70's that starred a very young Deborah Winger as Wonder Girl? She did a pretty fair job of it too, IMHO.
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