Mad Hatter
________________________________Dex: 3 Str: 2 Body: 3
Int: 7 Will: 6 Mind: 5
Infl: 4 Aura: 4 Spirit: 4
Initiative: 14 Hero Points: 50
Gadgetry: 9
Scientist: 7
Thief: 4
Advantages: Connections: Arkham Asylum (Low); Genius; Pet (chimpanzee);
Scholar (computers, hats)
Drawbacks: Serious Irrational Attraction to hats; Serious Psychological Instability
Alter Ego: Jervis Tetch
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation: Computer Scientist
Wealth: 5
Mind Control Device [Str: 5, Body: 1, Control: 6] Makes the wearers Str 5, and puts them under Tetch's control. Usually placed inside hat bands.
Source: Whos' Who, 3rd Edition; Batman Sourcebook, page 71; Batman Role Playing Game, page 147
foe of: Batman
Ed's Notes: Here's a hint: when getting swamped by a bunch of innocent people-turned mook zombies wearing hats... KNOCK OFF THEIR HATS!!! 2nd Edition rates his Body at 4 and Omits his Scientist Skill. "Mind Control Device" is shown as "Mesmerism Hat." It omits the Str: 5 on the hats, and gives them Hypnotism: 9 instead of Control, along with an R#: 2.
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