Firebrand II
________________________________Dex: 6 Str: 4 Body: 4
Int: 7 Will: 7 Mind: 5
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 5
Initiative: 19 Hero Points: 50
Flame Being: 4
Flame Control: 9
Flame Immunity: 9
Flame Project: 9
Flight: 8
Charisma: 6
Scientist: 5
Advantages: Connections: Freedom Fighters (Low); Rich Family; Scholar (vulcanlology)
Drawbacks: Secret Identity
Alter Ego: Danette Reilly
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Debutante / Vulcanologist
Wealth: 7
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 51
Ed's Notes: The second Firebrand was the original's sister. Unlike her brother, she had actual Powers and took on the mantle while he was recovering in the hospital after the attack at Pearl Harbor. She continued with the name even after he recovered.
Firebrand II (Danette Reilly) really WAS a woman ahead of her time-witness her and her fellow All Stars ready acceptance of Amazing Man(Will Everett) despite his African American background-remember this was the 1940s, long before the Civil Rights movement ed by Dr King!