Firebrand I
Int: 5 Will: 5 Mind: 5
Infl: 7 Aura: 6 Spirit: 5
Initiative: 23 Hero Points: 40
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 7*
Charisma: 7
Martial Artist: 7*
Military Science: 4
Thief: 5
Vehicles: 5
Weaponry: 5
Advantages: Attractive; Buddy ("Slugger" Dunn); Connections: Freedom Fighters (High), U.S. Armed Forces (Pacific Theater/Low); Intensive Training; Lightning Reflexes; Rank (Ensign)
Drawbacks: Secret Identity
Alter Ego: Rodney Reilly
Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Occupation: Playboy
Wealth: 11
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 51
Ed's Notes: The original Firebrand was a dashing swashbuckler in the Erol Flynn mold. He... also... seemed to wear a... transparent shirt? Also, "Slugger" Dunn is yet another of these interesting sounding buddy/helper characters (he was a former boxing champ, FFS!) that the WaW Sourcebook doesn't bother to stat out. I'll have to en devour to remedy that.
So WHAT if Firebrand I*unlike his sister Danette wears a transparent shirt?