
Int: 7 Will: 4 Mind: 5
Infl: 6 Aura: 5 Spirit: 5
Initiative: 24 Hero Points: 35
Skills: *linked
Acrobatics: 7*
Charisma (Persuation): 7
Detective: 7*
Martial Artist: 7*
Thief: 7*
Weaponry: 7*
Advantages: Connections: Batman (High); Gift of Gab; Intensive Training; Lightning Reflexes; Luck; Rich Friend (Bruce Wayne)
Drawbacks: Age (Young); Secret Identity; Unluck
Alter Ego: Dick Grayson
Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Occupation: Student
Wealth: 3
Batarang [Body: 6, Gliding: 2]
Rope [Str: 7, Body: 7] Rope is 4 AP's long
Radio Tranceiver [Body: 1, Telepathy: 15] Limitation: Telepathy represents radio's range
Smoke Capsules (x4) [Body: 1, Fog: 12]
Knockout Gas Capsules [Body: 1, EV: 8, Fog: 12]
6 AP C Omni-Gadget
Source: World at War Sourcebook, page 125
Also See: Robin, Year One, Nightwing
Ed's Notes: This is the Robin from the 1940's, WWII-era comic. He couldn't be used in a campaign that takes place in the modern era (there are other Robins for that) but the WaW Sourcebook had a few charecters like this in it, so I'm including him for the sake of completeness.
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